Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 Beta Released
After 10 months of working on Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 we're finally ready to get the new version of the site into your hands.

After 10 months of working on Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 we're finally ready to get the new version of the site into your hands.
Every aspect of the site has been redesigned and redeveloped.
We've streamlined common workflows, overhauled every tool, built a new real-time networking layer, added cloud storage and much, much more.
During this public beta we'll be taking feedback, working on more documentation, fixing bugs and adding some remaining features.
The beta site is available at https://www.owlbear.app
There you will be able to sign up, create a room and start testing the new features.
The documentation for this beta can be found at https://www.owlbear.app/guides at this time we have a video series on using images in 2.0 available but we hope to add more tutorials as the beta progresses.
Converting your data
To make it easier to test the new site we've built a conversion tool for importing your data from Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 into 2.0.
We've got some dedicated documentation on this process here
What's Next
For this initial release there are a few missing features that we'll be adding in the coming weeks and months.
Here's what we've still got to work on:
Drag and drop asset management
At the moment you can create folders for your assets and manage them manually but we still need to build the drag and drop interface for managing these folders.
Plug-ins / SDK
The plug-ins feature is still being developed and we hope to have it out after the beta
Our new dice will be made available as a first party plug-in. This means that they will be released at the same time as the plug-ins feature.
Better rich text support
The beta features a completely new rich text system that is still in early stages of development, this means that some features like right-to-left language support are still forthcoming.
During this initial launch the import function is available to allow your data from 1.0 to be converted to 2.0. The export function to backup your 2.0 data will be coming later.