Owlbear Rodeo Legacy Edition
The Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 source code is now available for personal use.

Owlbear Rodeo was created as a passion project in early 2020.
We worked on the site from that time until late 2021, spending nights and weekends learning and building as we went.
By the end of 2021 we were spending more time working on Owlbear Rodeo than we were at our day jobs. After almost two years working on the project we had learnt a lot about what we wanted Owlbear Rodeo to be. With these two things in mind we decided to start working on a new version of Owlbear Rodeo, throwing out the old version and starting fresh.
This new version would streamline common actions, be able to grow with the user and be a lot more reliable. We called this version Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 and it is what you see now when opening Owlbear Rodeo today.
Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 will be released next month but as a thanks to our community we wanted to give you the option to build and run the original version.
The full source code for can be found on GitHub here:
This code is provided for your personal use only and can't be used for commercial purposes.
For example feel free to use this for your home game with friends but we don't allow this being used to host an Owlbear Rodeo instance that is paid for by others. Either by donations, direct payments or in a commercial Game Master setting.
To make it easier to run yourself we have simplified the server architecture, we also provide Docker scripts to make it easier to get started. Even if you're not a developer we provide a blueprint for the cloud provider Render that will simplify deploying a shareable version of the site. All you need to do is click the Deploy To Render button available on the GitHub page.
We've had to change the default tokens provided as the ones we use in 2.0 contain licensed content.
Aside from that it should be the vintage Owlbear Rodeo experience you're used to. The repository also has the full commit history of changes we made throughout the two years. Although keep in mind that when building the site we never intended any others to look at the code so beware of spaghetti monsters and code dragons.
Before signing off I just want to say a massive thank you to anyone who has shown us kindness as we head towards the launch of 2.0.
Nicola and I have a busy month ahead of us so we'll be head-down polishing 2.0 ahead of the July 18th release.
Both of us will also be at Gen Con Indy this year, we'll just be wandering around the halls so if you have any suggestions on what we should do feel free to send us a message.
Happy Gaming,